Myplant & Garden – International Green Expo
Myplant & Garden is the most important and inclusive professional trade fair for horticulture, garden and landscape in Italy.
It is organized by V Group Srl (IEG) and supported by Consorzio Myplant & Garden.
Myplant & Garden is the event where all operators and institutions that are active
in the gardening industry meet and do business.
The main Italian and international stakeholders in the Garden industry have
elected Myplant as the place to be to meet, do business, find new trends, plan
future activities. The gardening industry is represented at the trade fair by 9 major
exhibiting sectors.
The data for the 2024 edition
sectors in exhibition
Latest news
Italian floriculture: record productions and strong exports
In 2023, national floriculture production maintains the record levels reached in 2022. Exports exceed 1.2 billion euro: 'Made in Italy' represents 5.2% of plants and flowers exported worldwide.
Myplant 2024 closes in style
Myplant's growth is continuous: increasing numbers from every perspective, crowded booths, more buyers from around the world, special events, and highly engaging meetings.
The eighth edition of Myplant has been presented
The 768 exhibitors (21% from abroad) of Myplant will transform 4 pavilions of Fiera Milano-Rho (IT) into a maxi-park/garden of 50,000 square meters - equivalent to 7 football fields or 185 tennis courts. On display will be all the novelties of the floriculture sector for the upcoming season.
Myplant presents the new Pavilion 8
Growing even larger, richer, and more vibrant, Myplant will open the new Pavilion 8 in February 2024. An additional 5,000 square meters will gather functions, areas, and special events of great appeal.
Myplant: focus on markets 8
EU countries exported €4.9 billion in cut flowers in 2022 (€4.5 billion in the Netherlands, €135 million in Italy, in second place). Ecuador (€970 million) and Colombia led the Americas. This is followed by Africa, with Kenya dominating and Asia.
Myplant: focus on markets 7
EU countries imported 4.5 billion potted plants in 2022 (1.3 billion Germany, 900 million the Netherlands, 620 million France; Italy at 374 million). UK, for non-EU countries, has imported over 425 million euros of potted plants.
Myplant: focus on markets 6
EU countries imported 4.1 billion cut flowers in 2022 (1.3 billion in the Netherlands, 1.2 billion in Germany; Italy at 236 million). The American continent imported flowers for over 2.5 billion, driven almost entirely by the USA.
Myplant: focus on markets 5
The European value of the production of flowers and ornamental plants (no nursery), generated by 33,000 companies on 55,000 hectares, is 9.4 billion - 10 times as much as African production and almost double of North America.
Myplant: focus on markets 4
The global value of the production of flowers, ornamental plants and nursery is estimated at 53 billion euros. The EU production value of flowers, ornamental plants and nurseries is estimated at €21.4 billion.
Myplantonline è la vetrina digitale riservata ai prodotti, ai servizi e alle novità degli espositori di Myplant & Garden.
Il nuovo format porta le imprese espositrici al centro dell’attenzione degli operatori del settore in attesa della prossima edizione della manifestazione.
Le aziende hanno sin d’ora l’opportunità di caricare in autonomia immagini, schede prodotto, cataloghi e profili aziendali, dando vita ad un’esposizione digitale ricchissima e interattiva, sempre in costante aggiornamento