45,000+ sqm, 20+ special events: instalments, runways, new exhibiting areas, international contests, awards, shows. Myplant presents the trend book of horticulture, garden, flower and landscape through business, relations and beauty.

PANTONE – hall 12 stand E01
PANTONE® is 2022 Myplant partner and previews the spring/summer 2023 color collections, based on the new Metaverse palette, inspiring the whole Décor District.

Floral demostrations – hall 12 stand F01
A never ending sequence of creativity in floristry, decoration and accessories. International masters, installations, performances and workshops.

Fashion Shooting Area – hall 12 stand G01
A green runway where the combination of fashion, decoration and opera give life to gorgeous fashion shows. Featuring six elegant themes.

Garden Center New Trend – hall 12 stand A47
The slogan of the cult event for its 2022 edition is ‘Stay outdoor”: a new, dynamic and innovative format enhances the potential of the nursery area of a garden center, transforming it into a convivial eden.

MyplanTech – hall 12 stand D19 E28
Interactive meeting point among research&development, companies and market trends for the sake of the innovation, in the name of the ecological and digital transitions and internationalization.

Wedding area – hall 12 stand K10
Cult events dedicated to weddings with the big names in international floristry.

Live demostrations area – outdoor area between halls 12 and 16
Side by side to the remarkable machinery exhibiting area in hall 20, an outdoor area dedicated to live demonstrations welcomes visitors between halls 12 and 16.

Creative design competition – hall 20 stand B45
Exhibition of the finalist projects and award ceremony. The fourth edition of the design competition ‘I Giardini di Myplant’, titled ‘SKY FARM’, sees Caselle Open Mall near Turin as the building site of the project.

Incontri Inverter – hall 20 stand B45
Design studios meet the participants in the trade fair during debates and round tables.
Click Hereto view the poster
Curated by EN Space network

La strada dell’edilizia – hall 20 aisle C
A 100-m-long aisle presents a mosaic of flooring solutions for the outdoors and it leads the visitor to the Landscape Area.
Curated by EN Space network

Landscape Area – hall 20 stand B45
The Landscape Area will develop in hall 20, where the world of design, outdoor materials and highlights concerning the themes of landscape, renovation of green areas and green building will be presented.
In collaboration with: EN Space Network

UGM – Urban Green Management – hall 20 stand L40
The sector of the trade fair that gathers the most significant operators in building, creation, maintenance and management of urban and natural green areas.
Click Here to view the poster

Sportsgrounds – hall 20 stand B45
A large area dedicated to the fusion between sport, nature and architecture hosts a multisport field where the best products, buildingand design elements will be presented with the best experts in the industry.