12 March 2020
Myplant, appeal to institutions: defend the horticulture industry
A request of economic support in favour of exhibitors and of the whole garden industry has been sent to Regione Lombardia. “Myplant is a patrimony to the whole industry, and it speaks for it to the authorities”.
Myplant & Garden is fully involved in the Covid-19 pandemics, it is aware of the serious difficulties that this situation implicates for the whole country and, in our specific case, for the companies that operate in the garden industry.
The inability to host Myplant & Garden in February has had negative consequences for all actors in the industry, from nurseries, to landscape operators, to decoration companies both on a national and on an international level. The damage involves both the trade fair itself, and the individual companies that are witnessing a decrease in orders and the resulting inability to ship perishable goods in a moment of the year in which the business is normally at its best. To top this off, now all retail outlets and stores – except supermarkets and pharmacies – have been closed.
The management of Myplant & Garden, aware of the fact that the trade fair is a patrimony to the whole garden industry, has sent its appeal to Regione Lombardia and to the Italian Government in order to create a fund that supports all exhibitors of Myplant & Garden and the companies that operate in the garden industry.
Myplant also acts as mediator for all companies by cooperating with and involving all federations, associations and consortiums related to the garden industry in order to unite and sustain each appeal which involves the industry and that is made to institutions on a regional and national level.
We are working to relaunch the September edition of the trade fair (21-22-23 September 2020), so that we can help companies, operators and the markets breathe and gain confidence once again. Myplant & Garden is a fundamental meeting point and development hub for the whole sector. In September, it will be the right place for the business to keep growing.
If we will all follow the precautions that the authorities have put forward to contrast the diffusion of the contagion, we will all be back soon to our activities, passions, and businesses. We have chosen to think positive towards the future, towards September, when our ‘need to be green’ will explode once again with all its freedom. We will be there for you and with you, ready to start a new chapter in this story.