Myplant & Garden is the exhibition wanted and actively supported by the Myplant & Garden Consortium, composed of a large group of important companies in the green sector.
The Consortium, which is a non-profit association, was founded to promote the initiative in Italy and abroad and works as Technical Committee, connecting the exhibitors with their needs and requests to the event management office.
The Myplant & Garden Consortium is open to all companies interested in taking part into this exhibition, in making it grow, develop and become successful. A success which aims at giving new life and richness to an important and excellent sector.
To become member of Myplant & Garden Consortium, please contact:
Consortium members
Organizzazione Orlandelli (president since 2022) –
Floricoltura Pisapia
Vigo Gerolamo
Vivai D’Adda (president 2015-2022)
Cattaneo Bruno
Corino Bruna
Garden Service
Giambò piante di Giambò Vito