Presented in Milan: Myplant & Garden Middle East, Dubai

Myplant doubles up and strengthens its international positioning: Myplant & Garden Middle East, the first Italian B2B…

Sportsgrounds Pavilion: partnership with Federcalcio Servizi

The partnership between Federcalcio Servizi and Myplant & Garden has been renewed. Join us at Coverciano on September…

Horticulture: the productions of southern Italy (2023)

Focus on the productions of the southern Italian regions, which generated a value exceeding 740 million euros. Sicily…

Horticulture: the productions of northern Italy (2023)

Focus on the productions of the northern Italian regions, which generated a value exceeding one billion euros. Liguria…

Horticulture: the productions of central Italy (2023)

Tuscany, Liguria, Sicily, Lombardy, Lazio, Campania, Puglia, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, and Piedmont lead the top ten in…

Italian floriculture: record productions and strong exports

In 2023, national floriculture production maintains the record levels reached in 2022. Exports exceed 1.2 billion euro:…