Myplant, appeal to institutions: defend the horticulture industry

Myplant è patrimonio di tutto il settore, e se ne fa portavoce presso le Istituzioni

MYPLANT 2020 : excellence product showcase

Special signboards will highlight the candidate products in the yearly competition that grants an award to the most…

MYPLANT 2020: VERDE BIO – Organic green

A special map during Myplant will offer an ideal green path, identifying organic productions

Italian horticulture is growing

Italian export has reached record numbers: “Italian horticulture is a core interest of global markets”.

Paesaggio e Verde Sportivo

Landscape Area e Verde Sportivo: riflettori puntati sul mondo del progetto verde e del green building con convegni,…

Myplant’s Forest

Visitors and companies can contribute to this forestation project also during the fair.