Myplant & Garden 2015
Myplant & Garden has made the flower and plant sector thrive again. More than 300 companies from the green industry, more than 7,500 professional visitors before it opened to the public, many technical, training and coloured events. The first edition of Myplant & Garden has ended bringing new ideas, optimism among the stands and a lot of business agreements. The organizers have been satisfied.
These are the key words featured by the first edition of Myplant & Garden, the new exhibition dedicated to flowers, plants and gardens. Three business days for professionals which have given the right value to a sector worth 3 billion Euros which employs 150,000 people in almost 50,000 companies.
Thanks to the promotion, research, data collection the quality of visitors, local and foreign buyers has been high and they have all met the needs of the sector, being experienced, motivated and professional. From there a new growth path has started. There are good growth opportunities ahead, exhibitors, visitors, areas and assortments will increase. Myplant & Garden aims at becoming the only reference point, “ready to use”, for the whole sector: with all the features needed by the companies in the sector, ranging from research to products, from sales to each intermediate stage. This goal has been confirmed by the fact that many exhibitors want to be back again in 2016, with bigger spaces. They have signed business agreements, opened new channels, started new relations, met buyers interested in their products. Private and pubic buyers from the same sector but also from other industries.
The almost 50 official delegations of buyers have found purchase opportunities. Further international buyers, mainly from Europe and the Middle East have come, too.
Myplant & Garden has also featured events in the city: two installations designed by AIAPP and some business agreements with restaurants and flower and plant retailers.
Many new ideas among the pavilions, where the original format of the exhibition has taken place, aimed at trade and production, without neglecting design, public green spaces, landscape architecture and eco-sustainability.
Myplant & Garden has offered many professional update opportunities thanks to the intense programme of conferences and workshops with project makers and field experts. In this sense, two presences have been significant: the European Landscape Contractors Association, which has presented some international requalification projects for big urban and metropolitan areas, and the round table Green Path- Landscape requalification and light infrastructures, in which the situation of the big Italian and foreign cycle paths was assessed. Also cut flowers have been the protagonists of the exhibition: masters from the most famous flower art schools in Italy have filled the areas with flower sculptures; moreover, next to them, decorations, hairstyles and flower fashion catwalks have enlivened the surrounding gardens.