Myplant & Garden is the fundamental meeting point in Italy for all the players. It is also earning a reputation abroad by attracting exhibitors, professionals and buyers from all over the world.
The record numbers of the third edition show this: 3 days of exhibition (22-24 February), 567 exhibitors (+30%>2016; +70%>2015), 20% of which came from abroad, 110 official, international buyer delegations, 40 sold-out meetings, seminars, talks and events.
In the halls, in the stands and in the offices the feelings were positive. Many companies have already reconfirmed their presence and others have already asked to participate next year for their first time. As far as visitors are concerned, the official figures are still in need of a certification, but the growth compared to the previous edition – already interesting when juxtaposed to 2015 – will show its extent (over 13,000). The development is going side by side with the selection of the public, who is meeting the target of the exhibiting companies.