Sportsgrounds Pavilion: partnership with Federcalcio Servizi

The partnership between Federcalcio Servizi and Myplant &…

News for Garden Centers at Myplant

Garden care, services, pots, plants and cut flowers, accessories, seeds,…

AICG’s National conference at Myplant

The most important meeting for owners, managers and purchase managers of…

Myplant & Garden announces its partnership with PANTONE®

PANTONE® will be a partner of Myplant & Garden 2022. During the trade fair,…

Myplant 2022, official dates: 23-25 February

The official date of the most important professional trade fair in Italy for…

MYPLANT 2020 : excellence product showcase

Contest dedicated to exhibitors that present their latest and most significant…

MYPLANT 2020: VERDE BIO – Organic green

After the first edition in 2019, the appointment at Myplant & Garden 2020…

Paesaggio e Verde Sportivo

A special area of 5,000 sqm focusing on landscape, design and green building,…

Myplant’s Forest

The first 200 trees of the new Myplant’s forest will be planted in the…

Décor District – great inspirations at Myplant 2020

An enchanting window in which great masters, artists, designers, trendsetters…