Myplant & Garden, the b2b international trade fair of the green industry, is official partner of FIDEC and stands as an example to the new diktat of building companies nowadays: creating green alliances in order to generate value.
Our trade fair represents the entire green chain in all its aspects, and it promotes the construction of green buildings where trees are protagonists from the very first steps of planning, to the actual construction of quality buildings: properties will have a great additional value from the point of view of wellbeing, liveability, sustainability and also for the new demands of a society that keeps developing on economical and commercial levels.
Green projects are now considered a true investment, also considering that the value of real estate grows accordingly up to 18-30%.
The industry sees more characters involved – landscapers, nurserymen, businesses specialised in the green sector – so that each project becomes a success.
Such a commitment is now evident in cities such as Milan with Bosco Verticale, the redevelopment of Area Garibaldi and City Life. They all have a functional and successful idea at their core: the valorisation of vegetation as an element that creates prestige.