Green Bonus

Green bonus 2020: 36% deduction on the costs for the restoration of private outdoor areas

Green Alliance with Constructors

Myplant is again official partner of Forum Italiano delle Costruzioni (Italian construction forum) planned in Milan for…


Weddingflowers is an initiative developed by Myplant & Garden, and White magazine dedicated to the…

Project ‘Riuso legno urbano’ (urban wood recycling)

On National Tree Day (21 November), during the Stati Generali del Verde in Turin, Myplant will collect some felled…

Myplant brings the Green Network on Tv

The fourth edition is ready to start. It will air in Spring 2020 on La5 (Mediaset channel 30, DTT).


On 25 October at Parco Nord Milano the plantation of the first tree in the ‘Bosco di Myplant’ (Myplant’s forest) has…