The slogan of the 2020 edition of GCNT will be “Stay outdoor!”: a new, dynamic and innovative project that will put the outdoor area of garden centres in the spotlight, suggesting the potential of the nursery area and transforming it into a more usable space.
The fifth edition of the show is ready to launch. The keywords of 2020 echo some of the most popular trends of the moment: outdoor, sustainability, gardening. Last edition focused on the target customer, on the profile of the consumer identified through some emotional, professional and social characteristics: within the exhibiting area 6 rooms characterised the various solutions and types of products presented. The aim was to create a direct communication with the chosen target consumer.
GCNT 2020 explores the exhibiting opportunities and functional options of the garden center from a new point of view: the outdoor area. The often overlooked nursery area has great potential on an exhibiting level, but also in terms of welcoming visitors.
GCNT will show visitors how it is possible to organise the nursery in a modern, functional, communicative and attractive way, where shopping becomes easier.
From the positioning of vegetable items on trays (more linear in their distribution, easier to be worked on by operators, easier to be seen by consumers), to a conceptual change in the offer to the public that privileges the grouping by theme of use, instead of by family.
This is a new approach to the consumer and to his needs, that puts aside a positioning of the items that is more functional to the seller. For this reason, theme-islands will be presented, that will also take into account the seasonal change: from the vegetable garden to the dry garden, from the butterfly garden to the bees garden, and so on.
Sustainability, Italian product, biodiversity will be the main themes of the new concept of the event.
The outdoor area becomes an extension of the warm and convivial dimensions of life.
Conviviality will be one of the main themes of the event: a 30-metre-long table, created also thanks to the reuse of felled urban trees (as well as other items within the show), will be the link between indoor and outdoor, as well as the melting pot of the surrounding exhibiting areas dedicated to living together outdoors.