Myplant: focus on markets 8
EU countries exported €4.9 billion in cut flowers in 2022 (€4.5 billion in the…
Myplant: focus on markets 7
EU countries imported 4.5 billion potted plants in 2022 (1.3 billion Germany,…
Myplant: focus on markets 6
EU countries imported 4.1 billion cut flowers in 2022 (1.3 billion in the…
Myplant: focus on markets 5
The European value of the production of flowers and ornamental plants (no…
Myplant: focus on markets 4
The global value of the production of flowers, ornamental plants and nursery is…
Myplant: focus on markets 3
Italy is the second European exporting country of horticultural products…
Myplant: focus on markets 2
According to Istat-Italian National Statistical Institute data (2021), spending…
Myplant: focus on markets 1
In 2022, the value of the production of green 'made in Italy' exceeded 3.1…